Angela Whorton
One of my greatest strengths is my more than 25 years of administrative experience. My experience has included budgeting (>$20M), personnel issues (600 employees), contract management, and planning. I have also served on the board of Pride Charities, a food, pantry, and clothes closet in Houston. I served on the board of Resurrection MCC for a time. I'm retired and have some time to give as a board member to my church. In addition, I also served on staff at Resurrection MCC as Director of Connections. To borrow from Joni Mitchell...I've looked at church life from both sides.
As the CoH Board and church, we must be good stewards of that with which God has blessed us to fulfill our Vision. We must move forward with new and innovative ways to accomplish our Mission while offering a healthy respect for our past. We can strive to do more without overreaching. I promise to listen to others and offer my experience and skills as they are needed to move the church forward on its Mission.
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235