There are different kinds of voices calling you to different kinds of work, and the problem is to find out which is the voice of God rather than of Society say, or the Superego, or Self-Interest. By and large a good rule for finding out is this. The kind of work God usually calls you to do is work (a) that you need most to do and (b) that the world needs most to have done. The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.
-Frederick Buechner
A Member-in-Discernment is a member of a local church of the United Church of Christ who has been called by God and who, under the care of the member’s church and Association, is preparing for the ordained Christian ministry.
At Cathedral of Hope, Members-in-Discernment are supported by the Committee for Ministry Discernment. The purpose of this committee is to provide support, counsel, and assistance to the Member-in-Discernment during their preparation for the ordained ministry.
If you are wondering how to discern a call to Authorized Ministry in the UCC, and what the process might look like, we invite you to visit the North Texas Association (UCC) website.
Dual Standing: An ordained minister of another denomination other than the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who wishes to retain ordained ministerial standing in that denomination and who has become a pastor of a Local Church of the United Church of Christ, or serves in a Covenanted, Affiliated, or Associated Ministry of the United Church of Christ, or has become pastor of a yoked charge or federated church, one part of which is affiliated with the United Church of Christ, or has been called to an ecumenical ministry one constituent of which is the United Church of Christ, may apply to the Association for dual ordained ministerial standing which is limited to the duration of that pastorate or that responsibility, and during that period may have all the rights and privileges of such membership.
Privilege of Call: An ordained minister of another denomination who desires to enter the ordained ministry of the United Church of Christ applies for Privilege of Call to the Association within whose bounds he or she resides. If Privilege of Call is granted, it will be for a period of one year and may be renewed. After accepting a call, the ordained minister applies for ordained ministerial standing in the United Church of Christ to the Association of which the Local Church extending the call is a part.
Ordained ministerial partner standing is authorization granted to an Ordained Minister with ordained ministerial standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who has a call to perform the duties and exercise the prerogatives of ordained ministry in the United Church of Christ.
This authorization assumes knowledge of, and appreciation for, the history, polity, and practices of the United Church of Christ. Ordained ministerial partner standing provides ongoing ecclesiastical authorization to perform the duties and exercise the prerogatives of ordained ministry in the United Church of Christ.
Licensing is the act whereby the United Church of Christ through an Association, in cooperation with a person and a Local Church of the United Church of Christ, recognizes and authorizes that member whom God has called to perform specific duties in a designated Local Church or within that Association, mainly preaching and conducting services of worship, for a designated time under the supervision and guidance of that Association.
The license may be renewed. Voting membership in that Association may be granted.
A person seeking recognition and authorization as a Licensed Minister applies through his or her Local Church to the Association in which that church is a member.
If you are considering a call to ministry, we’d love to hear from you.ļ»æ
Wherever you are on your journey, the Committee on Ministry Discernment is here to support you on your path.
Not sure ordination is right for you but still want to get involved? There are many ways to connect:
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235