At Cathedral of Hope, we believe that ALL people are welcome – no matter your gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. In a world where Christianity has been used to proclaim hate, hurt, fear and exclusion, we strive to be a church of inclusion, hope and love. When we say y’all means all, we really mean it.
We live in a culture that depends on distracting us from our true hungers and holding onto things that are not helpful for us. When we identify with these surface hungers and unhelpful things, we will consume more and more in the search for satisfaction. This sermon series, A Different Kind of Fast, invites us to physically fast from various kinds of consuming in a world oversaturated distractions and unhelpful things and embrace presence, abundance, slowness, tenderness, unfolding, and mystery.
These services are filled with wonderful music from our fabulous Choir and Orchestra and follow a more traditional format yet carry a progressive message.
Our 11:45am service is more contemporary. It is much less formal format filled with energetic music from Voices of Hope & Band, and a similar progressive message.
A la 1:30pm, nuestra congregación de habla española, Catedral de la Esperanza.
View past services by using the links below or by visiting our YouTube channel.
Sundays at 8:30 and 10am
Sundays at 11:45am
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235