Worship at Cathedral of Hope

At Cathedral of Hope, we believe that ALL people are welcome – no matter your gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. In a world where Christianity has been used to proclaim hate, hurt, fear and exclusion, we strive to be a church of inclusion, hope and love. When we say y’all means all, we really mean it

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Current Sermon Series

A Different Kind of Fast

Sundays, March 9 - April 13, 2025

We live in a culture that depends on distracting us from our true hungers and holding onto things that are not helpful for us. When we identify with these surface hungers and unhelpful things, we will consume more and more in the search for satisfaction. This sermon series, A Different Kind of Fast, invites us to physically fast from various kinds of consuming in a world oversaturated distractions and unhelpful things and embrace presence, abundance, slowness, tenderness, unfolding, and mystery.

Upcoming Special Worship Services

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  • Holy Week graphic

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  • Holy Thursday Graphic

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  • Easter Sunday Graphis

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Holy Week and Easter

Sunday, April 13 - Sunday April 20, 2025

  • Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025 | 8:30am, 10am, 11:45am & 1:30pm

  • Holy Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 7:15pm

  • Good Friday, April 18, 2025 | 7:15pm


  • Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025 | 8:30am, 10am, 11:45am & 1:30pm


Stream Past Worship Services

Traditional Worship

8:30am &10:00am

These services are filled with wonderful music from our fabulous Choir and Orchestra and follow a more traditional format yet carry a progressive message.

 Contemporary Worship


Our 11:45am service is more contemporary. It is much less formal format filled with energetic music from Voices of Hope & Band, and a similar progressive message.

Adoración en Español


A la 1:30pm, nuestra congregación de habla española, Catedral de la Esperanza.

View past services by using the links below or by visiting our YouTube channel.

Recent Sermon Series

  • Abundant Life: Saints, Sacrifice, and Service

    Abundant Life: Saints, Sacrifice, and Service is a four-part series inviting us to explore the profound richness of a life rooted in faith, community, and compassion. Guided by Jesus' teachings, each week we will focus on how God’s vision of abundance calls us not merely to receive but to live fully by honoring, serving, and standing with those around us.
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  • If God Is Love, Don't Be a Jerk

    What if upon Jesus’ return his first question to us is: “I asked you to do one thing: love. So, what happened?” If God is love and if Jesus is the perfect expression of that love, and if we are supposed to follow that Jesus—how can we so often be love-impaired? For as long as human beings have been declaring devotion to a God of love, they have been gloriously screwing it up by being hateful in the process. The Bible doesn’t shy away from that, and neither should we. Join us as we explore some of the ways we fall short of the call to “love God, self, and neighbor” through the book and sermon series If God is Love, Don’t be a Jerk!
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  • Blessing the Space Between Us

    In a world that often feels polarized and divided, we are called to remember Jesus' invitation to relationship and reconciliation. This sermon series will explore how we can bless and honor the spaces that divide us, seeking meeting points in our differences. Drawing inspiration from John O'Donohue's "Bless the Space Between Us," we will reflect on the sacred nature of our connections and the transformative power of blessing.
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  • Jesus at the Door

    The “Jesus at the Door” sermon series gives us the opportunity to reflect on the importance of inviting Jesus into our lives, to be part of our daily situations, to be the foundation on which each of our personal dreams are built.
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  • Echoes of Eden

    Reflecting on Cole Arthur Riley’s This Here Flesh, this sermon series is focused on how we can awaken our faith in our bodies and begin to build heaven on earth. So often, we have been taught that heaven is something that we can only attain after we are dead, and that we have to be perfect to attain it at all. However, God calls on us to work to create heaven on earth, where all people get to know and experience dignity, liberation, and authenticity, all in the present moment, right here on earth.
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  • Alive

    In the "Alive" sermon series, we invite you to discover what it means to live a life infused with the Spirit, following the path of Jesus, and embracing the wonders of creation. Through this series, we'll explore how faith isn't static but a vibrant and dynamic journey. We'll challenge ourselves to go beyond passive belief and become active participants in God's ongoing story of love, justice, and peace. Join us as we celebrate the Spirit's movement among us and learn how to live fully in the adventure of faith.
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  • Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again

    Throughout this series, we aim to not only engage with difficult passages but also encourage the congregation to imagine, doubt, and debate Scripture’s mysteries. We hope to cultivate a space where questions are welcomed, and faith is deepened, reflecting the diversity and inclusivity at the heart of our community. Join us as we discover together that the Bible is not a static work meant to be taken at face value but a dynamic and living text that invites us into a deeper relationship with God and each other.
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  • Meeting Jesus at the Table

    Lent is a journey, the end of which is the death and resurrection of Christ. It is a season in which we are invited to reflect on the immensity of God’s love made known in Jesus and his victory over sin, evil, and death. In Lent we are invited to recall what it means to be disciples, followers of Jesus, each and every day. In the last days of Jesus’ life, he sat at a table sharing the Passover meal with his closest friends and connecting the ancient story of God’s liberating power with himself. After the resurrection, Jesus’ disciples began to gather regularly to break bread in his memory and to experience him in their midst. We do the same thing today. But the upper room was not the only time Jesus was at table or told stories about tables. In this study, we invite you to consider some of these table stories and to reflect on them as we come to the Lord’s Table together in this Lenten season.
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  • A Year of Living Faithfully

    We are building a foundation for spiritual growth, not only through financial commitment but a dedication to live faithfully through service, spiritual growth, and strengthening bonds within our community.
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