
Sexuality & Faith

Cathedral of Hope is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. We practice extravagant welcome and many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender folk have found their spiritual home here. It is said that CoH is the largest open and affirming congregation in the world.

As Christians, we profess that we are created in the image of God. In this image, we make a lifelong journey toward deeper faith, faithfulness, and wholeness. As a church, we seek continually to integrate God’s ongoing revelation with new knowledge and understandings of our lives and times. In our religious life and education, we seek to equip the faithful for this journey in all its possibilities.

As people in the United Church of Christ (UCC), we affirm that sexuality and a spirituality are intricately connected and that both are gifts from God. The actions of our General Synods, conferences, associations, congregations, and councils support this.

The following principles from the UCC’s Created in God’s Image: A Human Sexuality Program for Ministry and Mission, expresses what many in the United Church of Christ believe about faith, spirituality, sexuality, and justice.

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  • Sexuality is a God-given gift.       

  • The purposes of sexuality are to enhance human wholeness and fulfillment, to express love, commitment, delight, and pleasure, to bring new life into the world, and to give glory to God.

  • When making decisions about sexuality, the primary guide is God’s call to love and justice as revealed in both Testaments.

  • From a biblical perspective, sexuality is intended to express mutuality, love, and justice. In judging whether behavior is ethical or unethical, the norms of mutuality, love, and justice are the central criteria.

  • From a biblical perspective, sexuality is distorted by unethical behaviors, attitudes, and systems that foster violence, exploitation, infidelity, assertion of power, and the treatment of persons as objects.

  • In developing a just sexual morality, we need to avoid double standards.

  • A responsible and mature sexual ethic respects the moral agency of every person.

  • The church, at all levels, ought to be a context for discussion about human sexuality.

  • The church ought to encourage and support advocacy with those who are sexually oppressed or the victims of sexual violence and abuse. The church can and must have a role in defining and implementing public policy.

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