
Cathedral of Hope

The congregation of Cathedral of Hope is a community of people from many religious and spiritual backgrounds and experiences. We are a diverse community that emphasizes inclusion and welcome. In keeping with the heritage and policy of our denomination, the United Church of Christ, Cathedral of Hope is a congregational church, governed by the will of the congregation through elected governing boards that establish and supervise our policies and programs. 

Meet Our Board of Stewards

Board of Stewards Standing Committees

A formal committee structure is laid out in the CoH Bylaws; a structure which is designed to foster communication and diversity in participation. There are currently seven standing committees: Bylaws, Building and Grounds, Development, Finance, Membership, Personnel and Strategic Planning.


Standing Committee members are appointed by and accountable to the Board of Stewards. All voting members of a Standing Committee shall be active members of the Church who demonstrate a willingness to serve in an advisory role to the Board of Stewards and work cooperatively with the Board and the Standing Committee in support of decisions made.


Please read the Standing Committee Descriptions and Policy revised November 26, 2018 if you have an interest in serving on a committee, and if you qualify, print out and complete the Committee Interest Application .


For processing, email the completed form to Rev. Yinessa Romero ( Associate Pastor of Next Steps, or drop off the completed form at the church office to the attention of Rev. Yinessa.

Current Standing Committees


Notice of Congregational Annual Meeting

Saturday, March 8, Sanctuary, 10am


Mark your calendar for the Cathedral of Hope Annual Congregational Meeting on Saturday, March 8 at 10am At the meeting, members who are eligible to vote will cast ballots to fill open positions on the Board of Stewards.

Tentative Meeting Agenda


Call to Order

Opening Prayer

Certification of Quorum                   

BOS Candidate Forum & Vote

Financial Report



The candidates for the board are: 

Dusty Darrow

Greg Gifford

Brian D. Lewin

Clark Mitchell

John M. Patison

Prior to the meeting date, you will have an opportunity to speak with the candidates in the Fellowship Hall following worship services on Sundays, February 23, and March 3. Read the bios for each candidate here.

Board of Stewards Meeting Minutes and Recordings

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