Ephesians 4: 21-24 (NLT)
Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
I was ten years old when I chose to become a Christian. I thought I would automatically think and act like the new person I was supposed to be. That idea did not last long. I still had some pretty uncharitable thoughts. I was still tempted to lie when I thought it would be to my advantage. In short, I discovered following Christ meant I had to put some effort into being Christ-like. Over time, I learned that it is definitely worth the effort. I also learned that the "Jesus Way" makes my life easier and more rewarding.
My brother Butch recently told me an interesting story illustrating how this works in everyday life. He was approached by a customer looking for something in the department next to his. He had just received a message that his supervisor wanted to talk with him, but he decided to help the customer first. Together he and the customer located what was needed, but a necessary component was on a top shelf. He was about to search for a ladder to access it when "George," the person in charge of that department, returned. Butch showed him what the customer needed and asked if George would finish helping the customer so Butch could respond to his supervisor.
"You have a ladder in your department. Get it, and help the customer yourself," George responded sharply.
Butch admitted he had several thoughts about things to say or do. Still, he recalled that he had prayed that morning for God to guide him in all his interactions that day. So, he said, "OK," and helped the customer.
The next day, he prayed for God's guidance and grace as he started his day. He specifically asked God to help him deal kindly with the troublesome co-worker. Towards the end of the day, Butch saw an opportunity to finish cleaning and tidying his area early. Then he went to George and said, " I've finished early in my area. Can I help you with anything?"
Astounded, George said, "I have never had anyone offer to help me, especially after how I treated you yesterday." He apologized for his behavior. Butch accepted the apology and said he had often needed grace from others too. Together they attacked the tasks in George's department. Now, they help each other when they can.
That story illustrates the "Jesus Way" pretty well, as I see it. It is easier to meet an unpleasant encounter gracefully if you have started your day in communion with God. Notice that I did not say that my brother, the "Christian" in this story, is a role model for all to follow. He is not. He is human and my brother, so I know there are plenty of other times he has been the one in need of grace. And God is always there for him, granting grace as needed.
I love the story because it reminds me that God can create some delightful endings from the mess in our daily lives. We don't have to quit our jobs to serve God, and we don't have to speak from a pulpit to deliver a powerful message.
Beloved God, Thank you for providing encouragement through our fellowship with one another. Thank you for your infinite grace and for making our lives better. Help us to remember that every person we encounter and every situation is an opportunity to practice love and grace, as you have taught us. Multiply your love through us. Amen.
Carole Anne Sarah
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235