Go from your country and leave your kindred"... go to the new "land I will show you."
A God of New Beginnings
Next week ends the first new month in another new year... Wow, how time flies by! It seems we are always making new beginnings of one sort or another. Each may be filled with the stress of uncertainty. However, without these new beginnings, our daily life would become so predictable, stale and just a humdrum of repetition.
In the constant rush of time, it seems that we often find ourselves venturing intoone new beginning after another. Entering into a new situation may mean letting go of some of the comfortable elements of our past lifestyle. We may not be able to take with us the earlier skills and experience which served us so well. Instead, we may have to reach into a new unknown to find our needs, and that degree of uncertainty or danger may generate fear.
Our experience is not unique, remember the story of Abram and learn a way to succeed in such new and changing situations. Abram's father, Terah, had taken his entire family and its belongings from Ur of the Chaldeans (in central Iraq) and repositioned them far upstream on the Euphrates River in Haran (in northern Syria) where they prospered. Over the years, things went well for Abram, but then God offered a new opportunity to him, resettlement elsewhere into the unknown.
At that time Abram was getting old and he was very comfortable and well established in that trading city. God did not give him a particularly clear map of what to expect. However, God gave him a promise: "I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
(Genesis 12:2-3) So, Abram pulled up his tent stakes, and with only a portion of what he had enjoyed in Haran, he traveled south into a new and foreign experience in Canaan.
God commanded Abram to leave the old and go into a new and uncharted experience. With that new opportunity came God's promise to be with Abram in this new adventure and to greatly bless him as he obeyed.
Like Abraham, as we approach new opportunities, may we always seek to hear God's direction in our decisions. If God's full presence can accompany us into unknown worlds, we'll be provided with the guidance and resources to be blessed in that new opportunity.
Lord God, quiet the noise of my mind so that I may be more
present and obedient to your voice. Help me to recognize your words of guidance
and encouragement which will grow me to be a more faithful servant for you. Be it
ever so. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235