"All religions are paths to reach God. They are—to make a comparison—like different languages, different dialects, to get there. But God is God for everyone. If you start to fight saying 'my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn't', where will this lead us? There is only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christians; they are different ways to God."
- Pope Francis. September, 2024
It seems that the only time I find to sit and watch TV is late at night. The majority of commercials at that time are from drug manufacturers offering various medications to treat ailments from diabetes, to HIV, Afib, psoriasis, and the list goes on. Once the company touts the benefits of their particular drug, they then, in double time, rattle off a list of potential side effects, the last one always being “in rare cases, death.” We are then advised to consult our doctor about taking such medication.
I suspect that I am not alone in doing my own research when my doctor prescribes a new medication. I begin with a Google search and usually conclude with a conversation with the pharmacist or pharmacy tech at the drugstore when I pick up the prescription. They are the ones who can talk to me about the side affects and possible interactions with other medications I’m taking. The bottom line is that although many medications may treat the same ailment, one may be better for me than another. Today, on National Pharmacy Tech day, say a prayer and offer a thank-you to those people whose job it is to keep our bodies safe from the pharmaceutical industry.
At this time in the political season, the ads that aren’t for medicine are for political candidates. Many of them are “Christians” using “Biblical” arguments to attack or dismiss the validity of different faith traditions and the human beings who practice them. The irony here is that at their core, the basic tenets of the world’s major faith traditions are the same—to provide people with a framework by which to find meaning and purpose in life and to create mental and spiritual wellbeing, with the ultimate goal of working to create a harmonious and loving world. Why are we having so much trouble accomplishing this?
Perhaps what we need is “religion pharmacists”, those who recognize that many different religions address the dis-ease in the world, that one spiritual path may be better suited for some individuals than another. We need to pay less attention to which religious name people go by and which book they read and focus rather on the resultant actions, just like we choose which drug best suits our overall health and long term outcome. In his words above, Pope Francis is being a religion pharmacist, a person who honors and supports all of God’s children regardless of their care plan for spiritual health.
To borrow, sort of, the words of the drug advertisers, please check with your God to determine which religious path is right for you.
God of all, Grant us, your children, the wisdom to seek peace, to pursue dialogue, to embrace diversity, to respect dignity, and to uphold justice. May we be blessed with peace, a peace that is a gift and a responsibility, that is a promise and a challenge, that is a hope and a reality. And let us say, Amen. (From Interfaith Familiers Project)
Kris Baker
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235