In this Acts 2 text, we learn about the power of God among humanity- the resurrection power of God through Jesus Christ- a power which humanity cannot duplicate. It is said that resurrection power is the ability to bring life out of death-or to some-to correct a hopeless situation.
Humanity is always dreaming of finding ways to beat death; even though it is something that physically comes to all of us with the understanding as Christians that resurrection will happen as a both/and situation. For some, they want to beat death by being deep-frozen and then thawed out when a cure is found for them to live. This sounds like something out of one of the many Science Fiction movies or books, I’ve read growing up!
However, in real life, there are small moments where we experience resurrection while living, like an organ transplant or medication that helps us move around better. And it is also the resurrection that comes after death according to Christ. There is even more that we might not know or comprehend in this present time. We, as Christians, catch a glimpse of what true resurrection power looks like in the story of Christ overcoming death and Lazarus being raised from the dead.
We learn about the importance of the prediction, fulfillment, and significance of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus our Savior. There is a lot for us as Christians to glean from this text. One of the many themes that has stayed with me is that God exalted Jesus and gave him a position of power over the rest of the universe.
Dear God, we give you thanks for the power of the Risen Christ in our lives and look forward to living our lives as resurrected people, in that, every day is a time to live more fully in your presence and grace. Amen.
Staci Orr
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235