In the middle of a crowded room, one can be quite lonely. In the midst of a waterfall, a person can still be very thirsty. Walking in an incredible wooded landscape, how easily can a person lose sight of the forest with all the trees in the way. It’s easy to lose sight of fellowship, nurturing, beauty, and connectedness when you’re busy trying to do all the right things.
Six months into my dream job in ministry, I was completely out of gas. On the outside, I was a super-fun youth minister that was pushing all the right buttons to make a ministry grow. Kids loved coming to the events, parents were grateful for spiritual growth, leadership heaped praise and resources.
But on the inside, I was lonely, thirsty, and blinded. And some people could see it.
A colleague and mentor noticed that I was doing all the right things, but I was empty on the inside. He pointed me in the direction of a contemplative worship practices conference to help get me re-centered. Then he said words that have stuck with me ever since: You are not loved by God because of what you do. All the ministry accomplishments in the world will not bring you closer to God. You’re not making God happier because of your career successes. You not loved by God because of what you do. You are loved by God. Period.
Through contemplative prayer and deep meditation, I think I figured out something: Following the rules, being obsessed with human commands and teachings, enforcing regulations, worshipping the process… these things are shadows. When piety, humility, and austerity become an illusion to fool yourself and others… these things are puffery.
What is REAL is the intimate, deliberate, nurturing love of Christ. In that relationship, you will find life. Surrounded by that love and beauty, you will find peace.
Since we have been raised with Christ, help us to set our hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Amen.
Thomas Riggs
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235