Prepare by placing yourself in the Presence of God taking a deep breath, breathing in goodness and light and then exhale slowly ridding yourself of personal concerns and troubles. And then do it all again calming your thoughts, clearing your mind to be able to listen better.
I have heard it said that we have to love our enemies, but we don’t have to like them! I suppose this is an understandable way to live with the difficult command to not only love our enemies but to pray for them. Jesus is asking us in this passage from Scripture to love as the Creator loved without exceptions.
We are reminded that the sun rises each day on both the good and not so good and that it rains on all – not just the good among us. A tough message but a true one. We are told not just to love and pray for our enemies but for anyone who mistreats us in any way. Only by doing this can we model our creator. Imagine actually following this directive in practice. Can you do it? Can you imagine what the world would be like if we all did it simultaneously?
Take a moment and let the thought sink in. You might also wonder to yourself who the “enemies” are in your life. Who has mistreated you? Have you begun the process to love them by forgiving them? Following what the Lord recommends is a process which may take a lifetime. Be patient with yourself and try each day to follow God’s example. You will be glad you did.
Holy One! Allow us to be reminded of your generosity in sharing your Spirit with us. Let that Spirit support our efforts to love our enemies and to forgive those who have mistreated us. Help us be grateful for all that you have created for us and not treat others as a threat of interference but as an opportunity to do good. Let us remember that harsh words or reactions to our doing good works is only a reflection of the pain and suffering experienced by those we are trying to help. Let us never take your love for granted! Help us to keep our eyes and ears open and to give thanks to you each day! Remember that we are doing the best that we can each day knowing that it is never perfect.
We make this prayer in your many names, O God! AMEN!
Bob Shea
Cathedral of Hope / United Church of Christ
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235