Psalm 34:4
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
Faith Unseen
The biggest threats to our peace are our fears. One cannot maintain their peace without, at some point, challenging that which scares them. Ninety-nine percent of the time, fear is fought within the confines of the mind and scarcely materialize in real life. These are everyday fears or rather the “what ifs” of life.
The rest of our fears are the same fears shared by everyone, and in most instances, are inevitable. These fears usually relate to death, loss, sickness, and heartbreak. It is highly unlikely that the monsters from our dreams will attack us in real life if we turn out the lights and it becomes dark.
Fear cannot be set aside for later or pushed to the back of one’s mind without the direst of consequences. This is what Sigmund Freud called ‘Suppression’ and it is like putting a lid on top of boiling water. Eventually, the steam from the hot water will try to escape, and with nowhere to go, the steam gathers until there is too much of it and the steam forces the lid open.
When we, with our minds ignore a problem, the problem remains in our heads getting bigger and bigger until we cannot ignore it anymore. This leads to worry, anxiety, and even, panic. Because we ignore our fears, we give them the time and space to become bigger than they ever were to begin with. This is how the pot boils over.
When we face our fears and when we challenge the darkness, we in fact are turning on the lights revealing what is underneath. This could be a range of feelings from inadequacy to dependency, but it all boils down to one thing; in what or whom do we trust? If we trust the world to be fair or the might of our own power, then it will be easy to doubt such things because the world will not always give us what we want and we cannot control everything.
Rather than trusting in what we think we can see, trust in the invisible God, for what we see tomorrow will be different from today, but God still works even unseen. God does not change. Trust that God is on your side. In fact, God is on everyone’s side. If we can believe in fears that we have not seen, then we can also put our faith in a God of love of whom we have not seen either.
Invisible Spirit,
Teach us that You are here. Remind us that You are for us. Refresh our hearts and renew our minds. Help us to challenge our fears with faith unseen. Bless You Spirit, for You have always been the safeguard of our very lives. Nothing will overcome us, for You love us. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235