Joshua 24:15
.... as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua spoke these words, to a people who lived long ago in a land far away. I have recently found them meaningful in my own life.
Many of us remember a particular time or occasion when we made the choice to become a follower of Christ. For some it was in a church or Sunday school. For others it may have been in a time of crisis. Whatever the circumstances, the time when we first chose to "serve the Lord" is memorable. I believe that we are called upon daily, over and over to choose whom we will follow.
I catch myself walking down the grocery isle following the one-way arrows meant to protect us as we shop. I see another shopper approaching from the opposite direction, disregarding the arrows. My judgmental, rule-following self becomes incensed. Then I hear the still small voice calling me to Grace. I make the choice to listen and smile, releasing the judgment.
Sometimes it may seem a bit overwhelming. We are faced with many challenges, besieged with problems. Patience wears thin, our nerves unravel. We don't always succeed in being our best selves. When we fail, God's grace will heal our shortcomings and give us courage to make it right and try again.
As we make a habit of acting out of a spirit of love, the choices become easier. We accept God's grace quickly. We become able to extend grace to others too, sometimes even before they need it. The result is an amazing peace.
Beloved God who loves us all, we call upon you to see us as we are and to help us become what you would have us to be. Help us to see our imperfections, not to wallow in guilt, but to notice where we can grow. Fill our hearts with love and grace so that we might truly serve you. May your peace abide with us. Amen.
Carole Anne Sarah
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235