John 14:1,3
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me, where I am, you will be also.
Our Firm Foundation
In the days before his death, Jesus prepared his disciples to continue walking in the spiritual truths and path which he had taught them. His followers were entering a period of great uncertainty and total disruption. Have times changed that much?
The disciples were afraid of the evil forces which threatened Jesus' life and also what would be the consequence for them. Could they weather the danger which lay before them? Jesus told them that he would never abandon them in life or death. Today, we continue to rest in the assurance that Jesus will always be with us.
However, there is one condition which was asked of the followers, "believe in me". That belief is not just a mental agreement. It is a confident assurance in the trustworthiness of Jesus. Trusting in him, Jesus would lead them through those dangerous and uncertain times.
It's the same story today, Jesus will care for us and lead us into new opportunities ahead. But, like the disciples, we must trust in the faithfulness of our Lord! "When through the deep waters I call you to go, the rivers of sorrow shall not overflow, for I will be with you in trouble to bless you and sanctify your deepest distress."
In these days ahead, may our confidence in the trustworthiness of God's care be expressed in all our daily activities. May the Peace of God be with us.
To you, O God, I lift up my soul, in you I put my trust! I know you will not let me be humiliated or triumphed over by these adversities and fears. As Psalm 25 tells us:" Even in these uncertain times, "teach me your way and show me your path" to follow... "For you are the God of my salvation and in you I have placed my trust all the day long." Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235