Storytelling is a form of prayer. Storytelling is survival, preserving what would be erased from textbooks. It is a connection between the teller and the listener that is greater than the sum of its parts. The first faith we come to is to hold a story well. -Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros
My mother had a story she told---over and over. I would gently tease her by holding up one finger, then two fingers, then three to react to her repetitive telling.
When she was a student at Adamson High School, she instituted a kind of sit in in the principle’s office. Every day, for an unspecified length of time, she showed up, plopped her books down, and encamped there. She was moved to undertake this action of protest in the late 1930’s because girls weren’t allowed to play competitive basketball. I’m sure that she had made her case to the head of school with passion and the self-righteous surety of the young—but that wasn’t the essence of the story. It was the action in the face of injustice.
This morning I’m feeling some sadness about not realizing the sacredness of her prayer, of diminishing the importance of the story she did not want erased from her history. This morning I am imaging her saying to me: Pat, don’t you ever let the forces of discrimination and oppression have their way without a fight. Mama, I won’t forget.
Hinojosa-Cisnero’s words have particular force in this time of the aggressively restrictive policies and laws in the state and nation, actions which destroy lives and freedoms in the name of false religion. Policies which “revise” curricula for black history and distort the devastation that was slavery. Laws which force a woman to carry an anencephalic child to term—knowing she would not live long—only to mourn her a few hours later. Laws which uproot the lives of families and send them out of state in order to receive medical care for their transgender children.
This morning think about what story in your life you hold sacred, you would not want to get lost? When you think of at least one, find a way to tell it—to a friend, a family member, a small group. Speak it and write it or record it so that this part of your sacred journey is not lost. This will be your prayer. This will be your resistance.
Holy God of liberation and justice, we carry the lineage of your stories in our blood—stories of Shiprah and Puah, Egyptian midwives who saved Moses, of the love of David and Jonathan, of the inclusive, boundary breaking, justice- love of Jesus. May we join our stories with theirs to show your power and grace even in the midst of seemingly impossible times. Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235