Job 38. 4-7
“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?
For as long as I can remember, my artistic ideas usually didn’t come in the form of one or two things. Sometimes I wish they would come to me as a single concept. That is easy to execute. Life isn’t that way. I am blessed to come up with things I’ve been calling “idea clusters” for the last few years.
Looking back, the first time this happened to me was probably while I was in the third grade. I had upon a formulaic idea of how to draw superheroes and fast cars. Superheroes dreams came out of watching Batman and Saturday morning cartoons. Likewise, drawing super race cars and hot rods was inspired by a cartoon called the Wacky Races. With all that inspiration came the desire of being able to manifest my own original concepts.
The ideas flooded my brain, often well past my bedtime, and the sketches and lists began. I had such a strong inclination for getting the ideas down because I learned quickly if I let it go, the next morning I would have forgotten those inspirations. That is something I carried into my adulthood even today. Having ideas so strong that I need to keep detailed notes to make sure I could revisit that if I were busy on a deadline.
In our very anthropomorphic concept of God, I can’t imagine all the creation ideas that sprang forth, as if God wouldn’t be able to sleep until the ideas were manifested. Remember, God rested on the Seventh Day! That’s more human and less Devine than I can imagine. I don’t know how our world came to be. I’ve seen clusters of asteroids and meteors form planets and moons on the science channel. Theoretically, something had to manifest in the way of natural causes for these celestial bodies to form.
Isn’t it humbling to imagine that we are literally made of Stardust? -Those clusters of creation that beg for an origin from an almighty Creator. Is Genesis somehow literal in saying humanity was made from dust? It sounds prophetic, doesn’t it? Is that what happened? If you really want to be confused about idea, look at a mushroom. It’s an organism that grows like a plant, but as an edible fungus cannot be classified as such. They are neither plants, nor animals, nor bacteria. Are they still made of Stardust? And here WE are…another miracle of this thing some call Creation. Another reminder on my morning list. That’s probably enough to ponder for a day. What idea clusters do you have? Are you making a list?
Today, may I join the morning stars to sing together and shout for joy with the angels of the wonders of Creation. Amen
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235