Psalm 119:105
O God, Your word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path.
I’m sure, in our association with members of our faith community, we have known people who refer to their spiritual journey as their walk with God. Is that a metaphor that works for you? Do you sometimes feel God’s presence beside you as you would the support of a good friend?
The question leads us to evaluate how we interpret our walk with God in our daily lifestyle. Does God lead the way in some of our excursions? How do we keep our contact fresh in our relationship with the Divine? It has been my experience to first seek God's "word" to find our life's path in harmony with the divine desire for our journey.
Fortunately, God has not hidden these desired principles in some dark and obscure corner of reality. This verse tells us that we have been provided a searchlight to successfully find them... "a lantern for my feet and light upon my path". Just as the sun provides all the light we need, illumination from God will guide our steps along life's path.
In a city illuminated with ambient light, sometimes it’s hard to visualize what true darkness is really like. A walk in the forest can be an entirely different experience. If you've ever been surrounded by the profound darkness of a moonless night while camping in the woods, you know the value that a lantern can be for your walk to the outdoor privy!
It doesn't illuminate the whole scene in front of you, but it shines enough light on your feet that you don't trip on something and fall down. It will guide you through the little, moment-by-moment steps of life. This verse continues and tells us that the word (desires) of God, which have been disclosed by Scripture and the life example of Jesus, will light up our whole path throughout life, not just step-by-step, but the whole trajectory of our life.
This Divine wisdom and teaching will be like airport landing lights which are seen at a distance, and lead us straight ahead to land safely at our life's desired terminus, eternity with Christ.
O God, your desires for my life, expressed by your word, are all the light I need.
I seek your desires for my life, and I offer to you my praise for gifting me with your words of guidance and hope. As I study and apply them, I know they will give light to the path of righteous living and allow me to be in harmony with you. In the light of your guiding words, may I always walk in lock-step with you. For you are my joy and peace divine. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235