1 Peter 2.21
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
I’m sure everyone remembers the WWJD? Era with all its bookmarks and buttons, but I think about this question often. I mean seriously often. When we ask each other what we do, it usually is regarding what do we do for a living. If Jesus had a business card, what would he do? What would the card say?
In scripture, we read about Jesus saying and doing many things. His mother asked him at a wedding party to turn some water into wine. Another time he walked on water. We read that he was a healer, a performer of miracles, the great liberator. You might know that back in the day, if you repeated something he said in public, or told someone that you thought he was telling the truth and you were therefore going to follow him, you could very be likely killed. Would that have been a small-print warning on his business card?
I see all kinds of services on a business card that he offers. “Son of the one true God” “Instant Winemaker for Parties” subtitled “Do not ask me how I do it!” And others like “Wilderness Seeker,” “Christ Family Carpenter” -Subtitled: “the perfect table for any occasion, especially Communion!” “Crowd-gathering Speech Writer: Stuff too good to repeat!” “Jesus the Divine: Millions Served.”
What about Jesus’ pronoun? There’s not really a way to inclusify that kind of male God. Jesus was a “he” but in God’s divine Trinitarian nature of having created us in their image, Jesus may have been the very first “they/them.”
You get the idea. I also think that I probably obsess too much over labeling and titles, but as a writer, that’s my job. It’s hard to describe the nature of someone who was historically real, but was credited with so many things that are so far out of our understanding, we have to either accept it in faith, or perhaps, question Him and his ultimate purpose.
The ultimate question, however, is this: If you are a follower of Jesus what would you do? What should you do? How would you describe your purpose in calling Jesus your example for living? What would your business card say?
Loving God, though we can follow Jesus as our example, we could never duplicate his many aspects. Help us to discover that which we can do best in being his love for others.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235