Luke 23.56
And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.'' Having said this, He breathed His last.
Before Jesus took his last breath, he probably felt abandoned, and the depth of human loneliness. Jesus, having been exposed to a grueling series of late-night probes, dehumanized by Roman guards, then marched through the streets of Jerusalem, is ultimately nailed to the wood, and suffered agonizing pain. Jesus, who deserted himself in the garden of Gethsemane, fulfilling Gods plan, now cries from the cross, “Where are you?”
Jesus was in anguish over his approaching death – not only the physical pain, but the separation from God, and the pain of bearing the iniquities of all humanity.
Prior to this moment, Jesus could have turned to God for comfort and now he feels alone. It must have been the loneliest feeling any human being has ever known. God, expressed through Jesus in the flesh, surely felt the agony too as Christ suffered.
The parent says, “I love you and this will hurt me worse than it will you"! As a young child I couldn't fathom how anyone could utter those words. Now I understand how emotional and unconditional love runs deeper than the flesh. God, Loving Jesus, must have felt intense pain too.
I think of Jesus during this resurrection, transformation season and cringe at the thought of the physical pain and rejection he endured out of love. In his humanness, he asks if it be Gods will, let that cup pass from him and then gives up control by saying "thy will be done". All of this, achieved out of love!
It’s easy to forget I’ve been forgiven, and Christ's love is eternal. The heart isn’t permanently damaged or broken, its constantly being sealed with forgiveness and everlasting love that none can earn, but all can receive.
Creator God, as I step into each day a bit wiser and still just as vulnerable, let me remember your promise of love is forever. Be still my heart and drink from the well that never will run dry. I will thirst no more.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Donna Jackson
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235