Psalm 79.13
We your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation, we will proclaim your praise.
A childhood friend whom I have kept up with on social media had proposed the idea on his Facebook page, about what he would do if he had five years left to live and knew it. His post read, “If I knew in advance that I would die 5 years from now, then I would go on a spending spree that make most Hollywood prima-donnas jealous.” Given that criteria, what would you buy? I’m a little bit in opposite land. I’ve spent so much money on things I have already forgotten about, it makes me sad about the waste.
I have already begun getting rid of my extra things; extra clothes, books I’m tired of those certain things that take up too much space, things that somebody else may enjoy. At 62, I like the idea of traveling light; that is living life without an excess of things. Up to now, I enjoyed collecting things, if you know anything about me at all, you know that I love movies, old cartoons, TV, to name a few. More than anything, I enjoy experiences. That’s what life is about, right? And isn’t it true that our minds are a collection of a diversity of memories.; good things, bad things, highlight experiences of a lifetime. If you’re as lucky, as I feel I am, I look back now, and think about things that I really enjoyed that brought others and myself some sort of satisfaction. I love people, good friendships, relationships, and the things in life that account for living well. I’m careful to say “living well” which, for me, doesn’t mean living in luxury. It translates to continue living a life that has been very full, thanks be to God.
I count my blessings and I know I’m blessed. But, I’m not beyond getting stuck on past regrets, in times when things didn’t seem to be going right, but my optimistic nature usually empowered me to see the silver linings of those overcast chapters.They were often just minor hiccups that led to the next best thing.
Back to the question at hand… What would I do if I knew I had only five years left beginning this minute. I would want to spend my time with a balance of taking care of my affairs, but also seeing the people that I love, taking care of my family, extended, family and friends. However, I would not want to go into a hyper drive of cramming all the experiences I can have into five years. There are plenty of experiences that I enjoy now that really are about slowing down and being present in this moment.
Life is complex, but it really doesn’t have to be. Simplicity is the key. That old adage “life is what happens when you’re making other plans” should say it all. It tells us to enjoy the present moment. It says pay attention. What does it say to you? What is it you would dream of doing if you were given a five-year time clock to enjoy your life? My mind wanders all over the map. I know it includes taking random naps, exercising, and doing my dead level best, pun intended, to enjoy living. It means something different to everybody and isn’t that a wonderfully diverse thing? In this season of life, I spend a lot of time feeling gratitude for the time I’ve had.
One of my paramount things is to sit with my cat, Sylvester, in my lap, and reflect on how much joy he’s given me for the nearly 20 years I’ve had him, since he nuzzled up to me in my backyard that wonderful day. There was no greater joy than his allowing me to pick him up and begin to love him and let him know he had a home. This happened a very short time after I lost my previous cat with whom I was also extremely close. His sudden death punched me in the gut when my nephew had lost his cat too soon, I remember his saying “if I only had five minutes more… Just five minutes.” We just never know do we? Nobody does.
As for today, whether I have 5 years or 5 minutes, I think I’ll go sit with my kitty. What are you going to do?
Creator of Time, thank you for every moment of every day you have given us, and may we live in gratitude of your grace every day we have left.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235