Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world.
Today is Memorial Day, a time during which many followers of Jesus set aside to remember our beloved departed. A tradition that has been a part of the church since the beginning is the lighting of candles as reminders of the lights our beloved departed shined on us when they were among us. In honor of this day of remembrance of those lost in times of both war and peace, I humbly offer the following prayers:
Prayer #1: “God of Love, this candle is a small bit of myself that I now offer to you.” This is a prayer at a time when I once reached into the votive candle prayer stand and set flame to a candle, symbolically, it became mine. It became part of the prayer offering I sent forward to the Divine One. In a physical form, I created a candle's light, which by its brilliance, would be consumed. It became a form of sacrifice offered as part of my prayer. But, my prayer was one which also offered up to God myself in order to enlighten the world with divine love and energy. I desired to be used by God to reach out to others in this broken and fearful world when we remember lost loved ones. This little candle became a small bit of myself offered up to God's service in all of my day's activities and human interactions. I offered myself to God. May this be true in your life today!
Prayer #2: “Now, as I leave my candle burning in this place of prayer and prepare to go out into my daily life, Lord, help me to continue this prayer in all that I do this day." God wants us to place ourselves and our day into divine caring guidance, going forth in the assurance and strength of God's presence. In time the flame will consume that little votive light, but God's Spirit will continue to dwell and work in our day's activities. May we make a commitment to carry that flame of God's healing warmth with you, sharing it with others in smile, word and action.
"Lord God, as I light this candle, may it be light from you to illumine my way through this Memorial Day's decisions and difficulties. May the light of this candle be a fire from you to burn-up my selfishness, my pride and all that is impure in me. May it be a flame from you which warms my heart and teaches me to love others as you love all. This candle is a small bit of myself that I now offer to you. Help me to continue this prayer in all that I do this day." Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235