Zechariah 10.5
They will be as mighty men,
Treading down the enemy in the mire of the streets in battle;
And they will fight, for the Lord will be with them.
It’s fragrant on my walk today. It’s midafternoon and a cool front came in after it rained last night. Texas weather seems to have two personalities… But I don’t need to talk about the weather. Today is Batman Day. It’s an annual event first organized by DC Entertainment in 2014 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the first appearance of Batman in Detective Comics . But the day is making me want to check to see if Superman, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl got their own day too.
Batman is one of my favorite superheroes. Next to my original favorite, Superman. Batman seems to be a little bit more special since he didn’t arrive with superpowers other than a drive to avenge his parents’ death, who were killed in cold blood when he was a boy. This led him to want to secretly fight the forces of evil by dressing up like a big blue bat. A little extreme, but practical in order to keep those he loves safe and out of harm’s way. It’s a thin veil between his fantasy and reality, a little bit stealthier than Superman‘s identity, since Bruce Wayne wears a mask, at least.
Come to think of it, I feel like that is probably true for all of us. The idea that we are constantly presenting ourselves differently, depending on who we are with. You might act differently with your dentist than you do with your accountant or employee or family member. If we gave it much thought, we might realize that there’s something odd about how we project ourselves to different individuals. It’s rather normal and usually expected. But the thin multiple identity veil is clearly invisible to the One who made us; the One who brought us this far. That in itself is ironic. We are probably different people at church, the very place we go to meet God, in all of God’s many personalities. If I’m not careful, I may discover that I have just multiplied myself a few more times.
Going back to the main point. It’s still Batman Day. But you don’t have to put on a cape or mask to know that there are many facets to your personality. Who knows? The only joker you might be wrestling with could be yourself. Always remember that you don’t have to be alone in that struggle. Just like Bruce Wayne, your true self, we all need the help of a sidekick. A best friend, a butler, a police commissioner, and all the people who represent your team of daily crime fighters in this adventure called life. The day reminds me of this funny meme, I saw on social media; it says “Always be yourself! Unless you can be Batman; then always be Batman.“ Happy Batman Day!
Help us to realize that our true identities need never be a secret; that each of us has always been and always will be a Child of God. Amen
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235