Luke 8:16-18 The Message
No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a washtub or shoves it under the bed. No, you set it up on a lamp stand so those who enter the room can see their way. We’re not keeping secrets; we’re telling them. We’re not hiding things; we’re bringing everything out into the open. So be careful that you don’t become misers of what you hear. Generosity begets generosity. Stinginess impoverishes.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let is shine.
The song “This Little Light of Mine” was a powerful anthem that gained significant prominence during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, becoming a song of hope and defiance against injustice that still resonates today. When the counter-protesters at the Unite the Right rally in August 2017 sang this song, activist Reverend Osagyefo Sekou tells the story that “I just I just broke into 'This Little Light of Mine.' The tensions went down... and it shook the Nazis. They didn't know what to do with all that joy. We weren't going to let the darkness have the last word.”
Jesus begins with the parable of the lamp in Luke 8:16-18 and Matthew 5:14-16 by saying that a lamp should not be hidden under a jar or bed but placed on a stand so that those who come in can see the light. Jesus’ teachings are to be shared openly, not hidden away. Nothing hidden will remain secret, and everything will eventually be revealed.
We find ourselves today in a time where sharing ‘this little light of mine’ is needed more than ever. We know that in seeking the light and sharing it, the world can see the better way of justice, freedom, and peace taught to us by Jesus.
We also know that when we let our light shine, the darkness of injustice is exposed. Those fearing the light of Jesus’ justice know that the light brings everything out into the open and they don’t get to have the last word.
Perhaps most importantly, this teaching of Christ in a protest anthem does more than tell the gospel truth. When we sing this song and let our light shine, we do so together, feeling a little more empowered, a little less alone, and a lot more free.
How can we let our light shine today and in the days to come?
Living God of justice, freedom and peace… We pray that, by Your Spirit living and breathing through us, we would be light and love in a world that desperately needs Your hope. Teach us to shine Your light and push back the forces of darkness that surround us. Amen.
Thomas Riggs
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235