Acts 15:9
The Lord did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith.
Discrimination on Garden St.
There was a certain flower shop on Garden St. that was the only place that one could buy beautiful flowers in the whole town. The shop was owned by a woman who had inherited it from her grandmother, who in turn inherited the shop from her grandmother, who started the family business. For five generations, the family provided the town its only source of beautiful flowers. They found beauty in tradition, and the shop owner’s great-great-grandmother had insisted that whenever she sold a bouquet, red roses should be with red roses, yellow sunflowers with yellow sunflowers, and white daisies with white daisies. Therefore, the family never crossed the colors and breeds of flowers when they sold them.
One spring, a painter from another country came to the town and started selling paintings to the townspeople of bouquets that had varieties of flowers together. So beautiful were the paintings that the townspeople began requesting new arrangements of bouquets from the flower shop on Garden St. They asked for white lilies with red roses, lavender hydrangeas with yellow marigolds, and pink peonies with purple irises added with violet lilacs. When the shop owner refused to betray the tradition of her family for their requests, they were very frustrated. The townspeople who had loyally bought from her for years started trading their seeds to one another and grew their own gardens.
As the people grew their own gardens, new combinations of flowers that had never been seen before in the town began to emerge. Soon, people started making their own bouquets the way they liked and even, opened their own flower shops. Not long after that, people stopped going to the flower shop on Garden St. altogether and the owner had to sell the family business.
Consider, that it is our discrimination that blinds and keeps us from the beauty of change and diversity, and in the end, we lose everything. Today, we are at odds because of differences in race, religion, nationality, how we think, and our background. If we truly desire peace, then we must learn to appreciate the loveliness of coming together. We are the gardeners of the future who must realize that the world consists of many different flowers that when brought together, makes a truly spectacular bouquet of uniqueness.
May we love one another as you have loved us.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235