1 Samuel 2.8
God raises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
God seats them with princes
and has them inherit a throne of honor.
For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s;
on them God has set the world.
Today’s Scripture reading is an excerpt from the Song of Hannah, one of the Hebrew Scripture’s greatest songs of praise and worship. It is often compared to the Song of Mary of Nazareth which appears early in the Gospel of Luke. Hannah’s song is often quoted as a prototype of Mary’s prophetic elation, not only about God’s power and mercy, but also about the coming of their own sons. Hannah was about to give birth to the great Prophet Samuel and Mary to Jesus.
It is significant to note that the Bible’s four greatest songs of Adoration are attributed to women. Probably the oldest of the recorded Scriptures that was chosen for inclusion in the Old Testament was the Song of Deborah, the Prophet and Judge, and the fourth is the Song of Miriam, also known as the Song of the Sea, which was sung by Miriam, also a prophet and the sister of Moses. Miriam’s words as well as her actions were still so admired in the New Testament times that almost half of the women, including Jesus’ mother, were named Mary, the first-century form of her name.
Hannah’s words and the poetic form of her song would have been well known to Mary’s Jewish community as well as the fact that she, too, was to be favored by the birth of a miracle child. Hannah, like Sarah before her and Mary’s much older cousin Elizabeth, was far beyond her child-bearing years when she gave birth to Samuel, who was to be the Hebrew people’s last great Prophet and Judge.
Hannah’s is an important name to remember in the Advent Season. She was our model of patience, determination, and unwavering faith in the assurance that the birth of the chosen one was imminent. Even Mary looked to Hannah as her inspiration as her soul magnified the Lord and her heart rejoiced in her coming son and savior.
God of the Prophets, we give you thanks and praise this day and in this Season for the women whose steadfast faith changed the world; for Miriam, Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary who taught us how to wait, and finally, how to rejoice. Amen
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235