Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7 NIV)
The peace of God does not exist in a time or place, is not defined by how we feel at any given moment but is the companion that travels with us on a journey with two roads. One road is traveled internally, and the other, externally. If peace existed in a specific time and place, then we could not exist outside of it. If peace were defined by how we feel, then we would have no reassurance when our feelings changed. Jesus promised to give us His peace, and at the same time, aforehand told us that we would face trials and tribulations. To understand that we can have peace with tribulation, we must first understand how the peace of God differs from human peace.
God’s gift of peace is the reassurance of God’s presence in our lives. In essence, it is because of that presence that we do indeed have peace. The companionship of the Christ, Spirit, and God’s loving hands that covers us bear fruit in us unto peace. This great love works in our lives fulfilling God’s purpose to prosper us. It is not limited nor temporary. Even in the depths of despair, God our peace, is with us. Our helper leads us to victory over the battles we fight every day in our hearts. When winds of change blow like a hurricane all around us, our God is a mighty defense.
On the inside, we must choose every day whether to love ourselves, forgive our enemies, and often, trust in what we cannot see. God is speaking to our hearts every day and we must choose to listen or not to listen. On the outside, we face a world that with each revolution brings new trouble. God does not always prevent trouble from happening to us but strengthens us when it does. Trails may come but God has overcome. It is because of our relationship with our Creator that we can have the peace of God. Truly, our peace never leaves, for God is everywhere.
God our peace,
Bless You, for being with us when we could not see You and for never letting us travel alone. Praise You, for You command the storms in the world and in our hearts to be still. By Your companionship, we are mighty conquerors. In Your loving arms, we are at peace. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235