Exodus 1.5-7
The descendants of Jacob numbered seventy in all; Joseph was already in Egypt. Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died, but the Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly, increased in number, and became so numerous that the land was filled with them.
Today’s reading from Exodus about the generations of the Hebrew people becoming so numerous that the land was filled with them is coincidentally connected with this day’s little-known holiday. It is Radio Commercials Day, marking the one hundred and first year since the broadcast of the first commercial on the airways. It was a real estate ad on a small New York station. Since then, like Pharaoh’s Egypt, radio and television commercials have become too numerous to count and even the absolute power of Pharaoh could never lessen their impact on our culture.
My first encounter with the power of the commercial came after my parents brought a new device into our home that would change the world forever; a radio with moving pictures called television, complete with commercials. One of my favorite shows was Howdy Doody Time, a marionette-centered Kid Show hosted by its creator, Bob Smith.
I was about 6 years old at the time, but I still have vivid black and white memories of Buffalo Bob, with a beaming smile and piercing eyes, turning to the viewing audience and declaring, “Remember kids, Wonder Bread builds strong bodies 8 ways. Next time you’re in the bread aisle of the grocery store with Mom, look for those red, yellow, and blue balloons printed on the wrapper!”
Bob Smith was an advertising genius who knew how to grab his audience, first identifying his target (Kids) naming his product (Wonder- that sounds magical) establishing the superiority of product (want a strong body?) where to get it and who to convince to buy it (grocery store bread aisle, and of course, Mom) and finally looking for those red, yellow and blue balloons that separate it from all other inferior breads.
Buffalo Bob’s basic formula has never changed, whether the product is a shampoo, a politician, or a mega-church. Advertisers don’t fulfill our needs. They create them. But, what does all of this have to do with people of faith? How many of us pause and pray for guidance before we click on our Amazon account to hastily buy something with irresistible red, yellow, and blue balloons printed all over it? What would Jesus impulse-buy?
O God, we live in a world of desperation. Give us the discernment to seek your guidance in choosing between fulfilling our frivolous wants or our neighbors’ legitimate needs. Amen
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235