Psalm 142.5
I cry to you, O LORD;
I say, “You are my refuge,
my portion in the land of the living.”
Becoming the Vibration of Change
What comes to mind when you read official statements from Government leaders that include, “my thoughts and prayers are with them”? Does it mak you want to cry out to God? Many of us have become desensitized to the power of thoughts and prayer because we see it so often in social media posts regarding tragedies in the news.
Our instant gratification culture has allowed us to excuse ourselves because we are able to give a like, a heart, or an angry face, then move into happy kittens to replace our righteous indignation. I know this because that is often me. Is it you, too?
I would say if humanity is in an axial stage of transformation, we haven’t reached our ultimate low just yet. In worldwide statistics of first world nations, the United States ranks among the lowest in education and highest in gun violence. We have a lot to pray about.
Prayer is not just about passing the buck to God. We ARE the action of prayer. We facilitate the change by doing what we pray about. -Becoming the change we wish to see in the world. Prayer must result in action; your action, if you are able, but action. I am not discounting prayer itself, because I’m a firm believer in thoughts that become things. With that, we have a progression; thought > prayer > action > change; repeat often.
The reality of our news might not change much, until we reach our low and wake up. But rather than be a Debbie Doomsday, we can look at the silver lining that is always there; the ray of hope that tunes ourselves to the thing we are praying about. We must first align our emotional status to take us out of a negative vibration; we have to feel gratitude as if the things we pray about have already become a reality.
The people you are aligned with right now are in your life because of the magnetic pole your feelings have. This is the way that God the Creator works in our multi verse. That’s a very scary thought if your job bores you and you consider the people around you as undesirables.
But let this be your wake-up call to go up one step at a time on your vibrational ladder if I may call it that. Science reveals that everything operates at a certain vibration that could date back to the Big Bang itself, at the beginning when God changed everything.
And that takes us full circle to changes in the world through prayer. Are we the manifestation of God‘s thinking? Is the entire universe which we now call the multi-verse an expression of an almighty creator? I don’t know the answers to the questions, but I do know that I want to be in tune with the Creator’s vibration.
Creator of us all, may I always vibrate at your frequency and may my thoughts be your thoughts; my actions your actions, my love your love. Amen
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235