At the beginning of each day, after we open our eyes to receive the light of that day; as we listen to the sounds that surround us, we must resolve to treat each hour as the rarest of gifts and be grateful for the consciousness that allows us to experience it. -J. McQuiston
In the morning as the alarm clock sounds that awful ring, what's your immediate response to it? Do you try to reach the snooze button on the alarm, or do you smile and say, "Good morning"? Well, I bet it's clear how most people react. Generally, how would you react?
If your life is built around a fairly routine pattern or you're going through a difficult patch of hardships, it might be difficult to joyfully greet another day with the same old trials and tribulations. However, those first moments of each day offer us the opportunity to set the stage for whatever we hope our day will become. Most people either stagger out of bed trying to wipe the cobwebs from their mind, or they jump out of bed with 1000 thoughts about the day's potential activities racing through their mind.
There is a better way to awaken and greet a new day. Consider these thoughts. As you awake, pause and open your eyes to receive the light of a new day, open your lungs to receive a deep breath of it, and open your life to receive the new opportunities which will come your way. Greet the new day as a special gift from God with unexpected blessings that will come your way. The new day represents the gift of continued life, and that, life itself, is the rarest gift of all!
These suggested responses to awakening represent a pattern of mindfulness by which you can welcome a renewed day of life into your experience. But, it does require that you be consciously aware of your greeting to enter this new realm of activities and experiences, and willing to encounter somethings new or at least filled with renewed opportunities and human interactions. Let's start each day with enriched mindfulness about the divine gift of life which it offers to us!
Lord God, help me to quiet my mind and open wide my heart to your wise voice guiding my life this day. May I surrender myself more to your will and share your loving care with all those I meet today. Be it ever so. Amen
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Prayer
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235