From St Francis of Assisi
All things of Creation are children of the Father and thus brothers of man. God wants us to help animals if they need help. Every creature in distress has the same right to be protected.
Today is National Kitten Day. When I was growing up, but very young, in my mind, dogs were boys and cats were girls. I don’t know why I thought that dogs were lovable and clunkier than cats. “Feline” just seemed to go along with “feminine.” Their sleek bodies seemed quick and agile. Dogs were bulky like clunky boys.
I grew up as a dog boy. That is, our pets always seemed to have been dogs, and not cats. Of course, the two species are independent and have nothing to do with each other, besides being mostly fur-covered. Both are mentored strongly by their parents. Dogs are friendly, loyal, and somewhat codependent. Cats are aloof, letting you know they are thinking about something with their eyes, but you don’t know what.
But when they are puppies and kittens, both are equally playful and spontaneous. Dogs, however, as young pups, with their inborn pack mentality, seem to be more trusting, and are taught that they are supposed to be humankind’s best friend.
Feral cats are taught differently; don’t trust humans, don’t think anything good of them, but they may offer you food and water. Take it and run. Young cats are taught by their parents to be wily and cautious. Given that there are plenty of people who don’t have much consideration for animals at all, this is important survival information to learn.
Isn’t that the way with humanity? As children, we are taught to hate, or to love, to be friendly and trusting, cautious, envious, and all the other traits instilled by our grown-up counterparts. We are not born with instincts to inform us, but as with kittens, so much of who we are for life is based on early instructions or attitudes of our parents.
If our parents practice unconditional love, we do the same in our early years. If they are bigoted, biased, and fearful of others, that is also the model that shapes our childhood. But humans are not as limited in our choices as our feline friends. We have the ability to choose to live good lives either because of our parents or in spite of them. Which have you chosen? Did you grow up as a trusting puppy or a cautious kitten?
God of all creatures, help us to learn from our animal companions that our daily journey is a combination of faith and caution, and that Jesus’ model of love is always the right path toward a balanced life.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235