JOEL 2.28
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.
Children will see visions; grown-ups will dream dreams. This scripture is also quoted in the Book of Acts and I like it! The fact is, children have clarity of visions about things, and their surroundings, much more often than they are credited. Children can learn to play musical instruments, sing, and learn a new language because their brains are less full of grown-up clutter.
Children are complex thinkers. They are barometers for their surroundings. You know when they are happy, when they’re sad, or when things in their world aren’t going the way they would like.
My personal philosophy is to look at things from a child’s perspective. But not from a childish perspective; a grown-up, wiser version of having lived in the world, not retro engineering my life to keep things simpler. It works for me in my life and in my faith…But what does this have to do with dreams?
I love dreams and remembering them. I frequently ponder the questions “what is the meaning of dreams? Why do our brains need to dream while we are asleep?” I believe the complexities of life both seen, and unseen must be sorted out. We don’t get an instruction manual for how to live our lives. But we do get dreams to help process the accumulated events and experiences in our lives for one reason or another… Probably many reasons.
From my child’s perspective, I believe dreams are sometimes visitations from real people, alternate realities, abstract constructs of our brains sorting things out, or all of the above. Once I had a weird dream of George Harrison, who was a member of the Beatles. He was pleasant and said nothing but seemed to be visiting. I don’t have any connection to him other than having read later he was the quiet Beatle.
I wondered after waking up if it was a visitation because it felt so real. Did I need to sort something out? Did George Harrison arrive to bring me a comforting, quiet message? It certainly fit the situation. If the Beatles were united in anything, they were all about love and peace.
I don’t know anything except the feeling I had for the next few days was very comforting and calming. Perhaps that message of simplicity helped me get through various situations that were causing stress. That explanation is enough for me.
Like children, we are always looking for a happier, feel-good answer to life’s challenges. Sometimes the answer for you might be to slow down, feel the peace, and don’t take things so seriously. That’s good enough for me. How about you?
God of dreams and visions, Jesus was known for saying Peace be with you. May we have the faith of a child and envision Jesus saying that to each of us, whether we are awake or especially when we are sleeping. Amen
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235