Focus on the bagel not the hole.
Today is National Bagel Day and since I was raised in a Jewish household bagels have always been part of my culinary tapestry. Having a nice hot toasted bagel with a schemer of cream cheese and on special occasions a slice of Nova Scotia lox, a few capers, a slice of tomato and some onions…nirvana!
As we head into the new year, there is a lot I could worry about, but that worry does me no good since it has as much substance as the bagel hole. The future is unknown and because of that my worry about it won’t change a thing. Instead, I can concentrate on the substantial blessings I have and use my energy to work towards a better future for my community and family.
The other lesson I get from the humble bagel is that of toughness and resilience. A good bagel is more than a roll with a hole, it is bread with attitude. Boiled and baked it manages to stay delicious and still maintain a little resistance. It is adaptable, becoming a sandwich sometimes, or just a between meal snack, A nosh.
Perhaps we could all learn a lesson from this simple food and focus on the blessings God has given us without complaining about the things we don’t have. Gratitude is an exercise in growth. It helps us savor the richness of our lives and the goodness of God.
God, help me appreciate your blessings and to use them as you see fit to bring about a better world for everyone. Amen
Hardy Haberman
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235