Psalm 65.8
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.
A Prayer of Praise
Divine Spirt of protection,
We praise You for letting our eyes see another sunrise. At times, we do not feel safe but anxiously worry about tomorrow, what troubles it may bring, and whether we will have the strength to face it. Thank You, for You finish what you start. Therefore, tomorrow will begin like today has ended, under the shield of Your protection. Those who pursue us are nowhere to be seen. Their attacks have not broken through our walls. Even the children sleep peacefully under the shadow of Your arm. Fear finds no refuge in the city, for Your angels who never sleep are watching the gates.
The storms that rage will pass, the fires will go out, and the winds will cease from tormenting us. When we see them, we will laugh, for what dares to come against our Lord? Who is stronger? Who is mightier? Anyone who comes against You will fall. If You are our defense, then why worry? We have fallen a hundred times, and a hundred times You raised us back up. We will not fear. We shall not be afraid, for the world is the work of Your hands. Shall the clay rule over the potter or shall it reason with You? Certainly not! For You can just as easily destroy what You have created.
Let the people praise You, for You are kind and merciful. Your love is our defense, and because You love us, You will protect what You love. Therefore, we will boast of Your compassion and tender love. We will sing Your praises. We will declare our victory over every evil that has determined to make You its enemy. For You cannot fail, and being all knowing, You cannot be surprised. What You began, You will surely finish. Life was not given to us, only, for it to be taken away. Bless You Spirit, for Your love is our promise and certainty. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235