Isaiah 55.12
“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
“Ah, the simple life!” You may have used that phrase yourself. But I wonder if younger generations will have any concept of when life was simpler. Do they even know the phrase “the simple life?” After all it’s a relative thing as to what you may think of as a simpler life. What is that to you?
For me it’s the added convenience of being able to dictate into a phone without the need of a keyboard or computer. Wait! That’s a modern convenience and doesn’t have much to do with a past simpler life. Let’s try that again. Was life simpler before the polio, tetanus, or measles vaccines? That seems more complicated and deadly.
As I write this morning, I’m sitting out on the porch drinking my coffee and enjoying the 72° air, which seems to be ideal for me. Brisk but tolerable because I made a point to enjoy this simple thing because I realize it will be very hot later on and I remember vividly, mosquitoes will rule where I sit. Looking out, I’m watching a cardinal search for food, I can hear a woodpecker close by, as well as somebody’s loose dog tromping through the yard and stopping long enough to say hello.
This is a simple pleasure and I’ve enjoyed several mornings like it. Why? Because in years past this kind of time would have slipped by and I would’ve disappointed myself by missing this rare and grand opportunity to witness several new buds on the rosebush.
I invite you at this moment to sit and think as you read this about what a simpler time was for you. Let’s ponder together that phrase “ah, the simple life.” What would I be doing at this moment without this invention I hold in my hand? What would my life be like if I had to be up before sunrise to tend cattle or work a farm, not just as a career but to live? Sometimes the blessings we count include what we don’t have to do as well as the things we do.
I am blessed with many opportunities to follow my dreams and passions and to do the things I enjoy. For each of those simple blessings, I am grateful to God. I love today’s scripture reading from the Prophet Isaiah: “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace.” In other words, keep it simple!
May I always be grateful for the joy of your Creation and be led each day by the Peace of Jesus.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235