Romans 8:39
…nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord!
These days, we are frequently faced with problems, setbacks to our plans, and adverse situations. Even for the faithful Christian, that seems to be true. Downturns in one's lot and plans, sickness and economic loss come to all humans, and these events can greatly disturb and depress life activity. However, the Christian has assurance that through all of life's challenges she is held close and safe within the protective hand of God.
Just as the fearful child is cradled in the loving embrace of a parent's arms, we are held in God's sure hand, in times of grave danger and times of good calm. In the Romans quote above we are assured "nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord!"
Though nothing can separate us from eternal love, a valid question is how do I stay in touch with God? In the 95th Psalm we read: “Oh, that today I will obediently listen to God's voice." This is the capstone of wisdom in this scripture passage. How will we respond when we acknowledge that God created us for good purpose, is constantly present to help us and whose loving presence is like a hand which holds us in safety. How will we respond to such a loving God, even now in this present moment? Will we go about the business of routine life without paying much attention to God's presence and guidance, or will we actively listen to the constant whispers of the divine voice?
Whenever we put on earmuffs to silence God's voice, we can be sure unhappiness will quickly follow that action. We humans are created to be active and creative beings. However, we are not created to function independently from true words of guidance. And the truest voice of guidance comes from our loving Creator.
We Christians often seem to go about life acting as if God has nothing to say to us. However, God can be a real "chatterbox" with a lot to tell us, if we only listen. Throughout this day, ask God to speak to you, guide you and uplift your spirit. You'll find that God is a wonderful partner in life's conversations.
"Come, let us sing to our God; let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation... Come, let us bow down and bend the knee and kneel before God. For God is our Maker, in whose presence we live, and in whose hand we are held. Oh, that today I will listen to God's voice." (Psalm 95)
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235