Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
On All Hallows’ Eve
Today arrives another one of those holidays we celebrate, or in some cases refuse to celebrate, even though most of us don’t know why it is observed in the first place.
In my years of being entrusted with the Christian education of children, I always enjoyed the answers to the question, “why do we celebrate Halloween?” The most common answers were “to get candy” followed by “so I can be a princess” or “Spider-Man” but once one child answered, “I don’t go Trick-or-Treating because my grandmother says Halloween is the Devil’s Birthday.” The edict of a grandmother is not easy to contradict, but I tried countering it with the truth.
The Halloween tradition was founded by the medieval church as both an alternative and eventually a replacement for Samhain, an ancient Celtic festival featuring the wearing of frightening costumes and lighting huge bonfires to scare away evil spirits. The Christian version occurred the evening before All Saints (or all Hallows) Day to clear the path for the entrance of the Saints.
However, dressing in scary costumes and making lots of noise were Samhain traditions the All-Hallows Eve celebrants didn’t want to lose, and they are still with us today. The purpose of scaring away evil spirits has been forgotten as children and adults alike slip into their Superboy tights, don their sequined witches’ hats, and check the batteries in their light sabers for an evening of candy-coated frivolity.
I’ve heard of only one grandmother who thinks Halloween is the Devil’s birthday and a sparce few who know that it relates to All Saints’ Day. I’ve known whole denominations whose leadership demands that it be called “Harvest Festival” reasoning that all that fun must be connected with evil. But the fact remains that Halloween is a Christian Holiday containing the Hallowed Saints in the title, centered on suppressing evil in preparation for lifting up all that is good.
In that spirit on this day, I wish you, “Happy Halloween!”
I pray for the safety and relief from the world’s pressures of all who celebrate the Halloween traditions. Like their ancient ancestors, may they learn to confront and dismiss all that is evil in our times in favor of following the example of your Love. Amen
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235