Consequences and Grace
Whatever your concept of God, the Divine, your Higher Power, the Transcendent or the Universe, Jesus made one truth very clear: God loves.
It is the nature of God to love, to provide, to create, to redeem, and yes, even to resurrect. Resurrection demonstrates that death need not be final or fatal but sometimes a means to a better future. God brings possibility. Another word for that concept is Hope.
That is why I remind us that Hope that is rooted in Grace (unconditional love) does not imply that there are no consequences in life. I am not speaking of a hellish damnation that some religious ideologies tout as a critical doctrine one must hold. Consequences are about facing reality. Grace is not cheap. Our choices have outcomes, some of which we’d rather not accept.
I would like to have do-overs for every time I make poor choices or mistakes. That is not reality. Shattering a priceless family heirloom cannot be undone. Seriously hurting the feelings of a friend is not something easily healed. A serious violation of the law—even when unintentional
—still comes with consequences that can be irrevocably life-changing (think involuntary manslaughter).
Yes, God loves you. Yes, the ancient priests and patriarchs who gave us the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) saw God very differently than did Jesus.
Still, consequences are a part of the fabric of the universe and the reality of our daily living. May we offer more Grace than criticism; more tolerance and kindness with less rejection and blame.
Love more. Harm less. Hope often. Fear not.
May I remember this day: God is with me; I am not alone. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Rev. Dr. Gary Kindley
Pastoral Psychotherapist
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235