One morning, while working on my laptop at the dining room table, a tap, tap, tap at the glass pulled at my attention. Turning, I saw a titmouse pecking at tiny insects—likely spiders in diaphanous webs along the edges of the panes. Then she would flutter up to the eaves. Tap, tap, tap and flutter. Tap and flutter. Then rest. And as she rested her small gray body, she sang. Three fast repeated, high-pitched notes, and again, and again, with variations on a theme. To say I was captivated would be putting it mildly. This small bird with black eyes, grey crest, and a rust-colored patch under her wing seemed like a visitation– eating and resting, peering through the glass with her head cocked, and singing her song. How long she stayed that day I cannot say—but it was a long time and she drew closer than any other backyard birds ever have.
She returned the next day, and the next. I came to look forward to her visits, talked to her through the glass window. Turning her head at the sound, it was as if she were trying to understand. Some days I went outside and sang back to her—in her own language: three high pitched whistles.
Though I have researched information on this species now and learned her meaning to some tribal people, it is the heart-connection, her neighbor-nearness that I most value.
It was the day after my longtime friend’s memorial service that the visitor first appeared. Knowing many stories about how the spiritworld communicates after death, I take this to heart and think of her desire to be with us in some way. Except for a brief hiatus, she continues to make her appearance to this day.
I’ve never seen a titmouse in my yard before—in the 30 years I have lived here. So whatever meaning her mysterious visitation holds, I am open to receiving this precious gift. And give thanks.
Oh God who speaks through all creation, teach us to listen and to love the songs of all your voices. Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235