Genesis 1.25
God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Predators Among Us
I had a discussion the other day with an old friend who related the dilemma he was facing in his neighborhood; the increasing numbers of Coyotes and Bobcats that riddle their garbage bins and endanger the lives of their pets. We both agreed that there are no good or bad animals in the world; that they are all doing exactly what they were created to do, from cuddly bunnies to ravenous tigers.
In the beautiful and poetic story of the Creation, God never veers from the consistent storyline of declaring the goodness attributed to every living creature. There is no comma or asterisk saying, “except for crocodiles” or “but certainly not boa constrictors.” They are good; all of them.
That “good and bad” designation was not a divine invention, but a human one. We tell stories of big bad wolves, vengeful Great White Sharks, wise old owls and compassionate doves. The truth is we consider animals that are frightening or unattractive to be bad and ones that are cute or obedient to be good. The balance of nature or a healthy ecology are factors that are not relevant in our judgments, especially in the stories we have told to our children for generations.
That’s why they cheer whenever they see an anvil fall on top of a hungry coyote as he desperately, but hopelessly, pursues his cavalier roadrunner prey.
But, in a discussion with another friend, my seven-year-old next-door neighbor, I was encouraged by the newer, more enlightened curriculum he is learning from his home-schooling mother. Being Native American, she has a different story to tell, a different view of our natural animal residents.
She reminds him we have intruded in their environment and paved over their old hunting grounds. We’ve destroyed the homes of their natural prey. Our outdoor pets are their new targets, so all we can do is to protect them as best we can, but luckily, they too are gifted with keen survival instincts.
Coyotes and bobcats are valuable predators in our location, doing what they were born to do. She’s teaching him to love them as we should love all our animal neighbors. He’s learning they’re not the problem. We are.
May we learn from the words of your servant, Francis of Assisi who said, “If you have people who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have people who will deal likewise with their fellow humans”. Amen
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235