Psalm 146.7-9
God is the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
God remains faithful forever,
and upholds the cause of the oppressed
giving food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
the Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the foreigner.
The words of Psalm 146 shine their peace and comfort in a world darkened by strife. They leave no doubt as to who is actually in charge of the Creation. But, is the Maker of heaven and earth not only in charge, but also in control of everything that happens on our planet? Are we puppets and is God our puppeteer?
The denomination in which I grew up taught the theological presumption of Predestination. According to them, God had written an outline of every event in each of our lives even before we were ever born. When we made the decision to become Christians, we had been predestined to do so. If marriage is in our future, it's because God has already chosen our future partner. It stands to reason that they will have no choice in the nuptials either. God has also chosen us for them. I left that denomination as soon as possible. I suppose that was God's choice as well.
I could never picture a God holding a marionette control with strings attached to my arms, legs, head, and shoulders. -Oh, and with a back string included for bowing. The only conclusion I could draw in a situation like that is that God certainly makes a lot of mistakes since God's puppets are far less than perfect in their performances. These images naturally come to my mind on today of all days, since it is the World Puppetry Day, and I have been a professional puppeteer all my adult life.
Whenever I talk to children about God and puppets, I demonstrate that puppets certainly have no choice whatsoever as to what they will do or how they will move. They are lifeless jointed dolls without their puppeteer to move them. In contrast, we are not puppets. We have an infinite number of choices, right or wrong, about what we might do with our lives. But where does God stand on this stage of our lives? I then show the children a wide variety of marionette controls. Some are designed to make the puppet juggle; some allow the marionette to dance, to do tricks on a trapeze, or to break completely apart and fly back together again.
This is where the metaphor of God enters the discussion. I believe, along with the Apostle Paul, that God is always there, but as our protector, guide, and example. The marionette control represents the vast variety of gifts God has given to each of us. Unlike the puppets, it is our choice whether to accept these gifts or not. There is no gift more precious than our unique spiritual gift or talent from God, and there is no greater joy in life than sharing the benefit of God's gift with others.
World Puppetry Day is as good a day as any to decide what gift God’s marionette control offers us. Do we want to disregard it and spend our rest of our days as lifeless jointed dolls in the wings or to develop and perform our God-given gifts for the benefit of others? It’s our choice. Am I pulling your string?
Inspiring God, if the world is a stage, may I perform my part according to your eternal script of love for all. Amen.
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235