Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) from the Prologue
Many great teachings have been given to us through the Law and the Prophets and the others that followed them, and for these we should praise Israel for instruction and wisdom. Now, those who read the scriptures must not only themselves understand them, but must also as lovers of learning be able through the spoken and written word to help the outsiders.
Today is National Columnists Day. Columnist is one of those words that I, and I think, many people toss around without thinking about it’s true meaning. So, I went and looked it up. In general, a columnist is someone who writes features for publication in a periodical which often include comment and opinion. Of course, the term comes from the days of newspaper printing; because newspapers are always printed in columns. But the term is now expanded to people who write for blogs.
But I couldn’t help but think how appropriate that definition would be in many ways for the writers of the Bible, especially for the authors of the epistles. While often recording the events of the life of Jesus, while at the same time using those as a base for commentary on the actions of the people to whom they are writing. The apostle Paul is probably the best known for doing this, and I know that not everyone agrees that he should have the high standing within the church that he does. I agree.
But we find this throughout the Bible. I once heard a very fundamentalist preacher make the comment that one of the outstanding features of what we call the Old Testament, or the Jewish Testament is how self-deprecating it is. It is a series of stories about how the Israelites often fail to follow God and how God would step in, often with a prophet or other leader, and set them back on the proper path. And then they would again fail and the cycle would repeat. I never really thought about it that way, but in some ways it is true. And it’s also true that the Scriptures of other major religions do not seem to record so many failures and redemptions. And I don’t think it’s because those other groups didn’t have failures and redemptions, they just did not remind themselves of those things all the time.
But if you look at Christian scriptures, old and new, you begin to realize that telling a story with some opinion and commentary is the essence of the Christian scriptures. Granted these were not written with the idea of publication outside of perhaps the immediate audience to which they were intended, at least in terms of the epistles. The gospels were only written down at a time when it was becoming obvious that the end times were not quite as imminent as was originally thought by the followers of Jesus; and in most cases written down after the letters of Paul and the other apostles.
But otherwise, they do follow the concept of a columnist quite well.
So, I think it’s important to remember that these works were not intended as historical records, but are opinion and commentary wrapped in historical events that themselves had not ever been recorded except through oral tradition. Often, they were meant for a specific time or a specific people and can be viewed as guidance, but not necessarily as commandments.
Loving Creator, thank You for giving us the wisdom of others, and the ability to understand what it is You have in mind for us. We thank you for your Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth, and the spirit of love which comfort and guide us in all our days.
Weber Baker
Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235