Today is the second day of the 12-day Christmastide Season. If you haven’t heard enough of that old song by now, on the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me two turtledoves. Those doves are symbols of the union of the Old and New Testaments, the birth of the Messiah fulfilling the hope the Prophets talked about, the assurance of God's goodness to guide us through the good times and difficult times of uncertainty. Hope has been born.
If our prayer communication with God indicates a path for action for this new hope which seems unreal or unobtainable, then what must we do? Well, that was the question which Zechariah had to answer. You remember Zechariah? In the first chapter of Luke's Gospel, we read that he was a priest, both he and his wife were very old, and they had no children. While preparing to offer incense in the Jerusalem Temple, an angel from God appeared to him.
Zechariah was told that even in the couple's advanced age, they would have a baby boy who would serve God in a special way. He should be given the name, John, and he would be a forerunner to the true Messiah's arrival. This child would be filled with the Spirit of God and empowered like the prophet, Elijah. His preaching of repentance would result in many Jews turning from disobedience and toward obedience to the laws of God.
However, Zechariah's immediate response was doubt. How could he and Elizabeth have a successful pregnancy? They had tried for years and failed. His wife might laugh or ridicule him for trying against all odds. But the story is actually about hope being born through obedience to God. The gospel lesson implies that Zechariah went back home and had intercourse with Elizabeth. It didn't seem possible, but he obeyed the words of the angel.
Remember: Obedience to God is founded in our hope and action which are based in assurance of God's goodness and truth. Their baby, John, (the Baptizer) grew in the spirit and power of God and became the voice which welcomed Jesus into his redeeming ministry. Now it’s our turn.
O God, on this Second Day of Christmas, we have the opportunity to continue Jesus’ redeeming ministry. May we remember that the Advent Season began with Hope and now Hope has been born to us. Help us translate that hope into action. Amen
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235