“To truly love we must learn to mix various ingredients — care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communication.” - Bell Hooks
Infinite Love
When we measure our value, we make impossible the infinite expressions of love. By reason of standards, we determine what is acceptable for ourselves. Whether or not we meet these standards is irrelevant. What is relevant is that we have created the process in which we judge. This is the judgement: we either are worthy of love, or we are not worthy of love. We contradict the meaning of love, for true love’s only standard is that everyone is deserving of it. By our standards and qualifications for love, love is then perverted into self-aggrandizement. What has been created is a never-ending cycle where we strive to be important.
As we determine how to measure our value, these standards become the apparatus in which we measure the value of everything around us. Every living and non-living thing is seen through dimmed eyes that have judgmental lenses. Thus, it is often, that how we judge ourselves is the very way we judge the world. The worthy receives affirmation from us, and the unworthy are the recipients of our disdain. Neither our affirmation nor disdain is love, but the shallow shadow of our insecurities.
Just as prejudice is the child of segregation, segregation is the child of judgement, judgement is the child of insecurity, and insecurity the child of measuring one’s value. The devaluing of life in all its many forms is the product of miseducation. If we learn to stop measuring ourselves, and in its place, produce a rational acceptance and appreciation for all life, then we can truly create a paradise on Earth. The more that we teach our people from a young age to love themselves, the closer our species will be to achieving world peace. With each generation, as the new replaces the old, the former ways of the world will retreat into the annals of history, and it will be because we learned from our mistakes
Invisible Spirit,
May we all cease from calling love what it is not. Help us to choose to love everything that is begotten from Your love. End our sufferings and remind us that You love all. Bless You, for Your infinite love. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235