John 13: 35
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
The thirteenth chapter of John tells the story of how Jesus prepared his disciples for his own death. He washed their feet, not because they were dirty, but to show that no one was more important than the other, not even Jesus! He was providing an example of the kind of love He would be expecting of each of us. In verse 35, Jesus spoke again of loving one another. He said that everyone would recognize us as followers of Jesus when they see how we love one another.
Note: People cannot see our feelings, but rather the evidence is in our actions. This is a little complicated. Sometimes we do not feel what we recognize as love. Out of our commitment to Christ, we do the loving thing. The feeling often follows! Sometimes we find ourselves acting out of habit rather than love. We excuse the behavior as being "only human," as if God were blaming or shaming us. God does neither. Even so, we want to love better.
Perhaps we can start with the blaming and shaming behavior. In today's world, this way of thinking is rampant. As a litigious society, we have perfected the art. Every news story wants to know who was at fault. Every political faction wants to point a finger at someone who "got it wrong".
I once learned a valuable lesson regarding blame. On the first evening of a dance class, the instructor told us to decide now which of us would be at fault for each of the future classes. He said he did not want to hear, "He or She stepped on my toes or did not do that step right, etc." Brilliant! On the way home, my husband and I decided we would choose up days of the week and employ that strategy for our whole relationship.
That was one of the most enlightening and useful lessons we ever learned. It changed the dynamics of our lives dramatically. One of us would start to blame or shame the other for something. The other would sweetly ask, "What day of the week is this? The appropriate partner would acknowledge that they were absolutely at fault, no matter what evidence could have been provided in their defense. His days were Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mine were Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Sunday was God’s day, and would be blame free. I can't tell you how many arguments this avoided, how much more peaceful our lives became. It taught us how silly, unnecessary, and destructive blame is. We can love better!
Dear God, You are the fountain of love from which our own love is fed. Let us be filled with your love so that it overflows to those who yearn to feel such a love. Let us face this New Year with new courage to love more, to love better than ever before. In the name of Jesus Christ, who showed us the way, we pray.
Carole Anne Sarah
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235