Proverbs 10:8
…a babbling fool will come to ruin.
The Pebbles and the Stars
The Spirit whispered to me…
Do you know why they hate you?
Because they see in you
What they don’t let themselves have.
Bigger than a spark
And brighter than a flame,
You are a star in this cosmos
With irresistible gravity
Attracting other stars
But also pebbles
Drawn by your tempestuous glow.
Hurl the pebbles from you hand.
Let them sink to the bottom of the pond.
With no gravity of their own
All they can do
Is succumb to the pull of the Earth
And will despise you
Because you stepped out of the pond.
But there will be stars in your heavens
With constellations as friends
Void of jealousy and cruelty
And filled with glory and virtue
Like you.
Do not mind the pebbles
Scattered on the road,
For there are many on a journey
But none will be found
Once you reach home.
Stars are rare
And unmistakable.
Do you know why they love you?
Because they see in you
What they do themselves allow.
The same happiness
That makes you too precious
To throw away.
So, do not mind
What a pebble may say.
Dear Lord,
Teach me to give honor to Your children, big or small, but not to allow myself to be brought low because of dishonor. You will reward my uprightness, and the way of fools will be hard. Teach them and show mercy. Teach them with compassion and give them empathy. Bring us together in the same sky, one day. Bless You, for You love all.
Let it be so. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235