Sirach 12:13-14
Who pities a snake charmer when he is bitten, or those who go near wild animals? No one pities a person who associates with a sinner and then becomes involved in the other one's sins.
Jesus spent much of Holy Week teaching parables and confronting the practices of the Priests and other religious authorities who were holding on to their positions of power regardless of the teachings of their own Bible. I’m sure they were familiar with the words of wisdom taught by Ben Sira whose writings are still available to us in the Apocrypha. His teaching here is about the danger of close association with sinful practices. He considers close association which involves some adoption of sinful behaviors, exactly what these so-called leaders were doing.
No doubt, the religious leaders found reinforcement to their corruption within their own circle. It can happen so easily. A person dips his toe into their sinful practice, hears their excuse as to why it is okay, and pretty soon the individual is swimming in the dirty pool with them. When someone outside of the pool of bad behavior asks: "what happened?" The common response is: "big mistake, I goofed up and didn't mean to get that deep". And the other person shrugs his shoulder and mutters: "you should've known better".
Of course, the Pharisees and their associates were deliberately blind to this sort of self-examination, but most of us who are honest with ourselves can sense a moral danger and still override a first urge to avoid the sin. It will happen unless we maintain a strong spirit of moral integrity. And the strength of that integrity is based in one's devotion to divine instruction. Is that what God would want me to do?
Personally, I frame the matter with this question to myself. "If I do this possible action, would Christ Jesus be glorified and manifested via my behavior? Often that puts the brakes on my potential action and always keeps dancing snakes out of my life. What about you?
Eternal God, on this Holy Week, may I learn by bad examples as well as good. May my guiding thought this week be to ask myself if Christ Jesus would be glorified and manifested through what I am about to do. I seek your guidance in our Savior’s name. Amen
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235