John 14.17
It is the Holy Spirit who leads into all truth… you know this because the Spirit lives with you now and later will be in you.
Do you have a positive outlook on life? Can those around you see it? How can a spiritually attuned person focus their "spiritual eyes" on the value of each interaction which they have with the world, interactions with other people and the environment?
Let's begin with the tangible but nonpersonal experiences; getting up from bed and feeling refreshed, feeling of sunshine on your skin, or hearing pleasant sounds. Millions of times each day, we are blessed by these God-given sources of encouragement and happiness. How rarely do we stop and appreciate them or find it a pleasant gift from God?
And then of course, there are many interpersonal encounters, a brief "hi" or a longer and emotionally laden talk. Most of us have far more of these each day than we actually realize or remember. As a Christian who seeks to lead a spirit-driven life, how much attention do you or I pay to each and every social interaction? Do they simply happen and the "chips fall where they may", or do we mindfully enter into these social interactions? I ask myself how do I bring God into these social experiences in a way which is pleasant for me and a blessing to others? Jesus tells us our guide will be the Spirit of Truth.
In a world of loud, clashing choices and voices, it is more difficult to carry the humble message of peace, love and acceptance into everyday human interactions. However, God's Spirit can guide our thoughts and words even in such difficult encounters. Jesus promised those who would follow his teaching that God would send a special helper, the Spirit, to live in them, the Holy Spirit or, as he phrases it in John 14.17, “a Spirit of Truth.”
God's Spirit is given to help us perceive the truth of a situation, not just to know a true fact. This is more than a distinction of right from wrong or correct facts. This is an assurance that the Spirit will reveal or lay bare in our experience or understanding that which otherwise might have remained hidden.
Then, such Spirit-driven wisdom can be spoken into a conversation with a quiet and loving voice. Today, seek the Spirit's presence to guide and craft your words.
Lord God, help me to quiet my mind and sharpen my attention to your Spirit's loving presence in each moment of my life. As I step forward into each activity this day, guide me to realize that whatever I do may become part of your blessing and care for those with whom I'll interact. With your presence, may I become your loving hand which reaches out to them. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235