“You have heard the whispers on quiet summer evenings when you have been walking alone. They are the sounds of the ancestors, speaking softly just on the other side of what we call real. You have seen the strange lights at twilight, like candles lit in evening rooms, beckoning people home to houses you cannot see. You have felt the touch on your shoulder when you were deep in prayer or bent with worry. You have known the energy that hums along the wires of faith, the presence of a power that knows how to heal. You have experienced the physical mystery that surrounds the mystery of the Spirit, the thousand tiny proofs that we live next door to heaven, waking up in a wonder we are only just beginning to discover.” Steven Charleston, Ladder to the Light*
During this time of year, with All Saints and All Souls Day, the Day of the Dead, and the Celtic Samhain converging, reality is particularly porous and the veil between the two worlds thin. The air thickens with the presence of souls-- the presence of our eternal grandparents, our ancestors, and the great cloud of witnesses.
If we can get past the queasiness of images of charlatans conducting fake seances or stories of vengeful ghosts, we can open to new understandings.
People who have lost loved ones report signs of presence regularly: the appearance of butterflies, favored by the departed, or heart-shaped leaves, rocks, images on trees or sidewalks--indications of a love still flowing from heaven to earth. After a blessed student of mine died unexpectedly in her 20’s, a hummingbird flew so close that it brushed my cheek with its wings—something that has never happened before or since. Her mother later told me that she’d had hummingbird “visitations” often.
A friend recently shared a dream of her beloved who had passed from this life on Christmas Day last year. They were in an indoor pool where they often went to swim. Sis was holding Janet up at the surface of the water and said, “I’m doing the best I can to keep you afloat.” Dreams in which relatives who have crossed offer support or advice are common.
A story tells of the loss of Carol Burnett’s youngest daughter from lung cancer. She and her mother had been writing a play together, and the launch of the production was imminent. Just before the opening Carrie died—and Burnett was so devastated that she lost the passion for the project. In deciding whether to go forward, Burnett prayed for Carrie’s presence. She received 3 signs that her daughter wanted her to continue to bring the play to fruition, and she did. https://people.com/tv/carol-burnett-daughter-tragic-death/
Steven Charleston affirms that those who have gone before are watching over us. “Now, from their place of peace, they seek to send their wisdom into our hearts, to guide us to reconciliation, to show us the mistakes before we make them. Their love for us is strong.…When times get hard, sit quietly and open your spirit to the eternal grandparents, who are still a part of your spiritual world. Receive their blessing, for their light will lead you home.”
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235