John 16:33
I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.
Five weeks this side of total knee replacement I have hit a raggedly painful point in physical therapy. And with it so many things have piled on: the awareness of how powerfully the mind, body, emotions, and spirit are taxed by major surgery and the experience of post- surgical brain fog, sleep deficit, fatigue, and vulnerability. Although I have made great strides since the end of March, sometimes I wonder what land I’m in.
So it’s no wonder that the phrase “Take Heart!” has come to me now. Deriving from the Old French corage or Latin cor, meaning heart, it’s the cry to draw courage from the core of who we are.
Yesterday, while in the throes of my own pain, I was moved to cast the net of prayer out for those close and far away whose lives are filled with sorrow and loss, chaos and catastrophe and extend the cry for them:
For my beloved community members who are experiencing complicated surgeries of family members, death and grief, fears for their adult children, and serious illness, take heart! Know that you are held in love.
For the Israelis desperate for their loved ones still held hostage to be returned safely home and for the Palestinians suffering from relentless battle trauma, malnutrition, and the death of their children, take heart!
For those like Anthony Blinkin and other diplomats working with every fiber of their being for peace, take heart! International forces are mobilizing.
For those in Oklahoma and Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa whose homes and communities have been leveled by tornados and whose hope is battered, take heart! In neighbor outreach and official aid, help is on the way.
For all those across the country barred by punitive laws from needed health care, take heart! Many resist injustice on your behalf and are working for your care.
For those whose values and personal integrity have urged them to speak the truth in personal relationships, in the workplace, the political arena or in campus protests, take heart! May the truth set us free.
For those who look at the political and religious spheres filled with hatred and division and despair, take heart, and summon the courage to take one small step to bridge the divide in love.
And you, O God, who must look at your world and weep to see the damage we have done to nature and to each other, take heart! There is much good in us yet and a new generation yearns for repair, justice, shalom.
“Ignite [our hearts], O God, with courage to resist/ to tend the fires of love and peace where hate and fear persist.”
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235