Ephesians 4.29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
A long time ago I took a course in ancient Greek. I can’t remember exactly why in the world I would want to learn about it other than I was in need of learning to read and understand the Scriptures in their proper context, whatever that is. In the end I had a much better understanding of how the phrase “It’s Greek to me?” began.
What I do remember is that Jesus spoke a language, more specifically a dead Hebrew variant language called Aramaic. It’s been described as sort of proper Hebrew with a cockney accent, the peoples’ language. It’s easy to understand why some of his fellow Hebrews had a hard time understanding him, if at all.
More important, I find it an interesting study that we can presume so much context from what he said, from a language that is mostly consonants. This gives a whole new meaning to the other phrase that comes to mind, “words are cheap.” After all, there are still so many things left to conjecture in our modern understanding of biblical messages, but more specifically the stuff that Jesus is said to have said..
We’ve managed to try to understand the context of living in those times 2000 years ago. But I know even if I had a time traveling DeLorean, I don’t know that I would really want to live in those days. The thought really kind of scares me. I would imagine that if those people living in the biblical age could have a glimpse at our world, they would be equally frightened if not mortified at how we use and misuse their words.
As an author, I’ve come to understand that we want to convey our stories in the most precise manner we can; not too many words, not too few words, but just the right amount to convey an idea close to what’s in our brains as possible. Easy? No.
Communication + proper context is vital. The idea makes me yearn for context and truth and to discover for myself not just what the Bible says but how these words survived to begin with. All this to say, the greatest lesson I’ve learned is to choose my words wisely. I don’t often do that. I would like to but so much of my personality is about shooting from the hip. It’s a trait that I often want to go back and re-edit, but that’s how I learn.
It makes me wonder if the ancient scripture writers would like the chance to re-edit their Greek or even Aramaic words for clarity their meaning to our generation. In reading the Bible in whatever translation I can understand today, I’m left with that thought. Choose your words wisely! Then ask yourself, “How will my words survive beyond today?”
Colossians 4.6
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Amen
Charlie Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235